Desertec, the sun of Allah to the rescue of Europe
translated by European Parliament
Recognizing the limits of its capabilities to meet the growing electricity demand of its people in the near future, Europe is beginning to worry about its energy security, and seems to have found the sesame, the magic solution to this problem. This emerges from the analysis of the Club of Rome, called Desertec, for which he was taken to the creation of a foundation under the same name. Based on the idea that humankind will need by 2050 three land to cover its resource requirements, and the deserts of the world receive 6 hours of solar energy than it consumes humanity in any one year, the initiators of Desertec plan to capture solar energy from deserts of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and send it by submarine cables at the bottom of the Mediterranean to supply at least 15% of Europe’s needs for electricity without CO2 2050. For an investment of close to $ 500 billion. Desertec The project is promoted by the German Government, adopted by the European Union and supported by a few personalities and businessmen from Middle East and North Africa. They argue that the answer to a possible energy crisis lies in the need for cooperation between the desert countries, countries with energy needs, and countries with technical skills. Objective: To enable the completion of this project which seems at first glance based on a screenplay of science fiction. Described as chimeric and dreams of children by its critics, the project seems take the path, already with the creation of a consortium of German companies and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of a consultancy Desertec responsible for the establishment of structures in charge of the project , development of business plans and seeking funding. The project’s originality lies in its consistency, and the means of its realization. Indeed it is the making of hundreds of generators, equipped with thousands of huge mirrors, which reflect sunlight to the giant towers filled with a heat transfer fluid. Once heated, it turns turbines to produce steam that it seems billions of watts of electrical energy to be finally carried by submarine cable and distributed to all countries of the European Union . Its proponents argue that they also plan to meet the demand of over 90% of the world’s population lives within 3000 kilometers of desert regions, because they believe that the necessary technologies already exist and have been tested. Desertec would, according to its promoters, the assurance of energy security in the countries of Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Prospects for growth and development for the latter, thanks to huge investments to be made, in addition to guaranteeing the future supply of drinking water in these arid countries, through the use of surplus energy in plants Desalination of seawater And as icing on the cake, reducing carbon emissions and thus contribute to international efforts against global warming. Concrete or utopian Desertec sows confusion in the scientific, economic, and environmental, as well as tested on a small scale, some scientists doubt the possibility of its success in large scale. For equip 40 million km2 of desert surfaces in solar thermal power plants have fields of parabolic collectors or collectors, and then transported under the sea of billions of watts of electricity over thousands of miles of transmission lines with DC high tension, with all that equipment as it takes, is the scientific prowess. Economists for their part, question the economic efficiency of the project and believed that the production cost would deter more than ay join. Because given the exorbitant cost of the investment, estimated at over $ 500 billion (not including any fees that are grafted on the way), the kWh cost, with optimistic estimates, more than double the same kWh produced from fossil fuels. Moreover, nothing is certain about the cost of investment, even in the long term, due to extreme conditions of the desert, it seems, are not included in cost calculations production. This leaves a doubt about its economic viability. Some environmentalists argue against the project, although Greenpeace has joined from the beginning, and think that despite its advantages in reducing CO2 emissions in Europe, it has many inconveniences for the environment and can have dramatic consequences on the health of indigenous peoples. Besides its adverse effects on landscape aesthetics. European Skeptics, in turn, think that linking its energy security of countries considered, rightly or wrongly, unstable and volatile, would give the an opportunity for them to make them sing at the slightest jolt policy, and energy to defeat every mood swing of their leaders. The case of Russia with Ukraine on gas supplies, is a perfect example. Generating electricity from the sun is a noble idea in itself because it represents, at least for now, an appropriate solution to a shortage of fossil fuels in the years to come. But it remains to ask whether there is a real will to achieve it, according to the reasons and according to standards which respect the environment and the sovereignty of countries. Or conversely, whether it will happen according to standards that would meet ulterior motives, amid a war of technology leadership between Germany and France, by French nuclear energy and renewables German intermediaries. For their part, some thinkers in the South talk about a new concept that has emerged under the name of eco-colonialism. It is strongly defended by them, seeing this as an edition of colonialism in a green form softer. And they wonder whether it is fair to seek the comfort of Europeans in the desert, on account of the southern populations: a sort of “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” But what the most intriguing in this project, having been prepared in the absence of key players, namely producing countries. Because apart from the few personalities who have signed beliefs or personal interests, and whose act of accession does not in any way their country, no southern state has been associated with in a formal preparations for the project. As if preparing for a wedding without the groom, since the implementation of the project under international law, which can not be achieved without the voluntary participation of the various protagonists. Also, the voluntary blackout a more serious problem, namely the position of indigenous people, ancient owners of the desert, make legitimate question whether the project initiators have sought the advice of his past that bear only the negative consequences of the project, and would be completely transformed their natural environment. They actually represent the Gordian knot of the project and without them, the mirage Desertec will cause its promoters later in the vastness of the desert. Chaalal moulay
article de chaalal moulay publié le 02 avril 2011 sur :http://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/technologies/article/desertec-le-soleil-d-allah-au-91086
repris et traduit par the european parliament et republié sur http://economicsnewspaper.com/economics/desertec-the-sun-of-allah-to-the-rescue-of-europe-8422.html
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