mercredi 8 juin 2022

developping countries face the climate change

Developing countries face the climate change
Chaalal moulay
The Convention adopted in Rio in 1992 at the Earth Summit, aims to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, the Kyoto Protocol establishes of legally binding targets for emissions of developed countries. Algeria is a developing country, with large enough energy resources and major producer of oil and gas, two resources generating greenhouse gases. Even if the Kyoto Protocol contains no binding provisions for developing countries, including Algeria is a part, as it has no commitment to control GHG emissions, it has its own will participate in its implementation, the energy sector primarily affected by emissions made many investments to their reduction by the process of recycling of flared gas, which rose from 80% to 11% with a target of the total elimination in 2010, in addition to the detention of the carbon dioxide level in the fields. Notwithstanding its positive impact on the environment, this effort to reduce emissions, has failed to reap the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol, in fact, these efforts could be recovered economically, and this was an implementation of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, making a carbon credits for financing projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), unfortunately no project has been made in this direction. The provisions of the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol have been relatively respected on the regulatory and institutional, but despite the efforts, actions relating thereto are still very inadequate, particularly in developing renewable energy and control of energy consumption, waste management, and development of the use of clean fuels. Whereas the contribution in international efforts to fight against climate change is crucial, it remains the case, it is much more important for developing countries, particularly those dependent on fossil fuel to balance between environmental benefits and national economic development, this must involve finding a fair match to the appropriate use of energy in the service of development that protects the environment through sustainable development.

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au taj mahal ,INDIA